Category: Chatham County

Add/Edit Users

Instructions on using the Budget Master Tool to set up users.


[S3VIDEO file='Melissa/Set-up_Users.mp4′ width='608′ height='461′]

Add/Edit Functions

Instructions for using the Budget Master Tool to set up functions.


[S3VIDEO file='Melissa/Set-up_Functions.mp4′ width='608′ height='462′]

Employee Allocation

Instructions on using the Budget Master Tool to allocate employee salariees.


[S3VIDEO file='Melissa/Allocate_Employees.mp4′ width='608′ height='466′]

Budget Request

Instructions for using the Budget Master Tool to create a budget request.


[S3VIDEO file='Melissa/Budget_Request.mp4′ width='608′ height='457′]

Budget Reports

Instructions on using the Budget Master Tool to preview and print reports.


[S3VIDEO file='Melissa/Reports.mp4′ width='608′ height='456′]